This summer Corning United has organized a summer program for young players.
It is intended to give players ages 7 through 16 a chance to have fun playing soccer.
The objective is for the player to have fun as well as learn some skills and team building.
Five days of sessions
- Conducted by Challenger Sports, British Soccer coaching staff
Improves individual ball control: dribbling, passing, receiving, tackling, shooting, heading
- Monday thru Friday, July 20th to 24th, inclusive
At the Gang Mills Firehouse field on Forest Avenue
- For both girls and boys, ages 7 - 16, separated into several age groups
Check Summer Age Group eligibility for U07-U10 and U11-U16 age groups.
- Send an e-mail message to Steve Hughes for more information.
Or call Steve at (401) 213-0463
Online Registration
- Please register online now.
Register early, before midnight June 5, to get a FREE British Soccer jersey
If you register after July 10, there is a $10 late fee
It is quick and convenient for you to register online by clicking on the button below.
- Scholarships are available for players that need it.
Contact Maria Strinni-Gill for more information.
U07 - U10 Age Group
For players with birth dates between August 1, 2004 and July 31, 2009
- Half day sessions: 9:00am - 12:00noon
Three hours a day for five days, registration fee is $149
Fee includes a T-shirt and a ball for each player
- The focus will be on individual technical skill development,
followed by small sided games to apply and practice the technical skills
- Bring plenty of water to drink, a healthy snack, sunscreen and your ball
Wear your T-shirt, soccer shorts, and cleats or sneakers
- Shin guards are required for safety
U11 - U16 Age Group
For players with birth dates between August 1, 1998 and July 31, 2004
- Half day and Full day options:
- Half day sessions: 9:00am - 12:00noon
Three hours a day for five days, registration fee is $149
- Full day sessions: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Six hours a day for five days, registration fee is $202
Fee includes a T-shirt and a ball for each player
- The focus will be on individual technical skill development,
followed by small sided games to apply and practice the technical skills
Full day sessions add team-play techniques and tactical development exercises
- Bring plenty of water to drink, a healthy snack, sunscreen and your ball
Wear your T-shirt, soccer shorts, and cleats or sneakers
- Shin guards are required for safety
Register Now! |