2015 Summer Soccer Program

This summer Corning United has organized a summer program for young players. It is intended to give players ages 7 through 16 a chance to have fun playing soccer. The objective is for the player to have fun as well as learn some skills and team building.

Five days of sessions

  • Conducted by Challenger Sports, British Soccer coaching staff
    Improves individual ball control: dribbling, passing, receiving, tackling, shooting, heading
  • Monday thru Friday, July 20th to 24th, inclusive
    At the Gang Mills Firehouse field on Forest Avenue
  • For both girls and boys, ages 7 - 16, separated into several age groups
    Check Summer Age Group eligibility for U07-U10 and U11-U16 age groups.
  • Send an e-mail message to Steve Hughes for more information.
    Or call Steve at (401) 213-0463

Online Registration

  • Please register online now.
    Register early, before midnight June 5, to get a FREE British Soccer jersey
    If you register after July 10, there is a $10 late fee
    It is quick and convenient for you to register online by clicking on the button below.

    In order to complete Online Registration
    you must use a credit card.
  • Scholarships are available for players that need it.
    Contact Maria Strinni-Gill for more information.

U07 - U10 Age Group
For players with birth dates between August 1, 2004 and July 31, 2009

  • Half day sessions: 9:00am - 12:00noon
    Three hours a day for five days, registration fee is $149
    Fee includes a T-shirt and a ball for each player
  • The focus will be on individual technical skill development,
    followed by small sided games to apply and practice the technical skills
  • Bring plenty of water to drink, a healthy snack, sunscreen and your ball
    Wear your T-shirt, soccer shorts, and cleats or sneakers
  • Shin guards are required for safety

U11 - U16 Age Group
For players with birth dates between August 1, 1998 and July 31, 2004

  • Half day and Full day options:
    • Half day sessions: 9:00am - 12:00noon
      Three hours a day for five days, registration fee is $149
    • Full day sessions: 9:00am - 4:00pm
      Six hours a day for five days, registration fee is $202
    Fee includes a T-shirt and a ball for each player
  • The focus will be on individual technical skill development,
    followed by small sided games to apply and practice the technical skills
    Full day sessions add team-play techniques and tactical development exercises
  • Bring plenty of water to drink, a healthy snack, sunscreen and your ball
    Wear your T-shirt, soccer shorts, and cleats or sneakers
  • Shin guards are required for safety

Register Now!

Early registration, free jersey

These pages are the official site of the Corning United Soccer Club.
Some schedules or other information may change without notice.
These pages are maintained by an independent WebMaster as a courtesy to the Club.
Please report any comments or suggestions.