Summer Soccer registration status:
This summer Corning United has organized a week-long summer soccer camp, conducted by Challenger Sports, British Soccer coaching staff.
The program includes both girls and boys, ages U07 to U16, separated into multiple age groups.
There are half day sessions for U07-U16 players, and full day sessions for U11-U16 players.
Registration fees are set by British Soccer, and registration can only be done through their web page.
Half day or full day session options depend on age, with full day session only available to U11 - U16 players.
Check Summer Age Group eligibility for U07-U10 and U11-U16 age groups.
Spring Development program registration status:
Registration for the 2015 Spring development program is Open as of Novebmer 14.
A free reversible jersey is included in the registration fee.
The early bird discount is no longer available, as of February 15.
Check Development Program Age Group eligibility for the U08 coed program, based on birth date.
Spring Travel program registration status:
Registration is Closed for all travel teams, except by permission of the coach, as of April 8.
Normal registration fee is $130 for ages 9 through 12 after January 16.
Normal registration fee is $150 for ages 13 through 16 after January 16.
A late fee is required in addition to the normal registration fee, after April 1.
Check Spring Age Group eligibility for U10, U12, U14, and U16 travel teams, based on birth date.
Additional Uniform fee is required if the player needs a new uniform or has never played for CUSC before.
Uniforms must be ordered by March 9 to insure that they arrive before the season starts.
Online Registration
It is quick and convenient for you to register online for any of the CUSC soccer programs, by clicking on the button below.
Program Registration Information
The following table lists the registration fees and dates for the 2014-2015 season, as of November 14, 2014.
All programs are for | Fall | Winter | Spring | Spring | Spring | Uniforms |
boys and girls | U09-U12 | U08-U16 | U07-U08 | U09-U12 | U13-U16 | Fall, Spring |
Early registration opens | June 19 | Oct 8 | Nov 14 | Nov 14 | Nov 14 | June 19 |
Early bird fee | $100.00 | $60.00 | $40.00 | $90.00 | $100.00 | - |
Early bird savings | 25% | 25% | 33% | 31% | 33% | - |
Early registration closes | July 17 | Dec 15 | Feb 14 | Feb 14 | Feb 14 | - |
Normal registration fee | $125.00 | $75.00 | $60.00 | $130.00 | $150.00 | $60.00 |
Registration closes | Aug 24 | March 21 | April 1 | April 1 | April 1 | July 17 |
Registration status | Closed | Closed | Open | Closed | Closed | Open |
Fall Travel registration status:
Registration for the 2014 Fall soccer program is Closed. The season is over.
Winter Indoor program registration status:
Registration for the 2014 Winter Indoor soccer program is Closed. The season is over.
Partial or full scholarships are available for players that need it.
Contact Diana Butler for more information.