2011-2012 Forms

All forms are in PDF format and can be completed in three different ways:

All forms use PDF format and can be completed in three ways.
Manual: print the form and fill it in with a pen.
Electronic: complete the form electronically in Acrobat Reader and print it. It can not be saved with Acrobat Reader.
Electronically saved: complete the form electronically with a full version of Adobe Acrobat, save it and print it.

Spring Travel Team Secondary Player.
Players must request permission from their primary coach to play on another team
Both the primary and secondary team coaches must sign the form
Complete the Secondary Player Form
Send the signed form to the CUSC Registrar, at PO Box 136, Painted Post, NY 14870

Spring Travel Play Up Petition.
Players must request permission to play up an age group
Send the petition to your coach or the registrar by February 1
Complete the Play Up Petition Form
Instructions, procedure, and criteria for the Play Up Petition

Medical Consent and Liability Waiver.
Players who register online must have a signed medical release form on file
Send the form to your team manager before the season starts
Complete the Medical Consent Form and sign it

Required to be submitted with spring registration
Be a team manager, team helper, concession stand worker, or board member
Tell us your preferences on how you would like to help the program
Volunteer Form

Contact Nikki Dye, CUSC President, to volunteer for one of these positions.

Staff Certification.
Each coach, assistant coach, and team manager must be certified, and receive a Risk Management pass
As noted in the Privacy Statement, NYSWYSA takes special care to protect your privacy
Provide your contact information to the CUSC Registrar, and request that the Risk Management procedure be initiated
You will receive a confidential e-mail message, with instruction on how to apply
You will be asked to disclose your SSN as well as personal information to complete a confidential background check
When approved, you will recieve a Risk Management pass that you must sign and present to match officials

Contact Rich Wagner if you have any questions about the privacy of the disclosure process

These pages are the official site of the Corning United Soccer Club.
Some schedules or other information may change without notice.
These pages are maintained by an independent WebMaster as a courtesy to the Club.
Please report any comments or suggestions.